After being away from the Blog scene for several months, I realize there have been numerous changes to the blog format that I need to become acquainted with!
Along with the changing of blogs and seasons, some changes have also taken place in my life over the past year. This reminds me of a song lyric from "No Time" by The Guess Who...."seasons change and so did I..."
The first major change for me was turning 50 last year. This triggered a long process of introspection and soul-searching. I began to look at my life differently. What I thought used to matter, no longer did. Actually, for the first time in my life, I was becoming aware of who I really was and what was truly important to me.
This led me to yet another change that took place this year.......a career change! After twenty-five plus years of working in the office administration field, sitting at a desk, I decided a change was long overdue. My current job was no longer fulfilling and I was becoming increasingly bored with my work. My children had already graduated from college, moved on and married. The timing seemed so right. So, in May of this year, I decided to formally retire from a 15-year position at my current job, and move on to (finally) pursue my passion!
In staying true to myself, I am currently finishing up my studies on garden and landscape design and plan to start up my own garden design business in the coming year.
I believe there will also be a change in how I feel about gardening this coming season……
“There can be no other occupation like gardening in which, if you were to creep up behind someone at their work, you would find them smiling.” ~Mirabel Osler
I Dig Gardening...
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
She's back!
I certainly have missed blogging! All I can say is that sometimes life gets in the way, and some things need to be put on the back burner for a while. Also, in all honesty, living on a one-acre property and loving gardening as much as I do, it becomes a full-time job tending to my gardens this time of year. Having a creative mind doesn't help either, as I'm always thinking of new things to incorporate into my gardens. I've been told that I should focus on one project at a time, but I find that nearly impossible as I am an expert in multi-tasking!! I've also been told that I should check if there are any support groups out there for Obsessive Gardeners Anonymous :) I get back into the swing of blogging, I'd like to share some recent photos of my garden blooms (most were taken in mid May). Until next time.......Happy Gardening!!!
Clematis hybrid 'H F Young'
Tickseed (Coreopsis Grandiflora)
with 'Bonfire' Cushion Spurge in foreground
Heuchera and blue fescue grass in foreground
Cornflowers and Coral Bells
(at least I think they are cornflowers -
they mysteriously appeared in my garden
a few years back and are a welcome addition to my garden)
One of my very favorite shrubs, Birch Leaf Spirea
Hosta garden .....
Mollie, my loyal helper
(and expert crusher of newly planted hostas and impatiens)!
and finally, my latest pride and joy..... new potting bench at work!
Friday, March 19, 2010
What Color is Your Garden?
As I entered the Gardener’s "Show House"
at the Des Moines Botanical Center,
a question posted on the wall caught my eye.....
at the Des Moines Botanical Center,
a question posted on the wall caught my eye.....
Colors in our gardens supposedly "say" something about us....
Do you tend to favor
ORANGE in your garden....?
Perhaps you are fond of YELLOW,
as in this asiatic lilly.............
as in this asiatic lilly.............
or, how about GREEN
as in this 'Lime Frill' Coleus?
as in this 'Lime Frill' Coleus?
I'm especially fond of PINK flowers.....
as in these impatiens
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Monday, February 22, 2010
Hot and Humid - Part II
Welcome back to Part II of my recent trip to the Des Moines, Iowa Botanical Center! As I recall from my previous post, we were heading over the footbridge toward the cactus plants.......
Cacti are a group of plants that are easy to grow, and offer a variety of shapes, color and form. They can be grown in any sunny, well-drained area and need very little maintenance (I love low-maintenance!).
They also make excellent houseplants. Many hardy varieties can also be grown outside.
I admit, I've never been a huge fan of these prickly plants,
but have gained a new appreciation for them ....
but have gained a new appreciation for them ....
the texture and form of these unique plants really are amazing!
Unfortunately, this was the only cactus plant I saw with a tag....
I asked an employee why some plants in the BC were not marked,
and she stated they were in the process of updating and re-marking all of their plants.
I was really suprised to learn that the 'ponytail palm'
is part of the Cactus family....
I'd hate to have to brush these ponytails!
I feel like I have the attention span of a gnat in this place as
I gravitate toward the next plant that catches my eye.......
The leaves on this Christmas Palm are amazing!
This small, dainty bloom really stands out
against the large, dark green leaves of this plant....
Jungle Geranium (Ixora javanica)
Madder Family
Origin: India
I love the name of this next plant.......
unfortunately, it was not in bloom
This next picture really doesn't do this plant justice.
The lace-edged leaves are amazing - LOVE this plant!
Lace Aralia (polyscias guilfoylei) 'Victoriae'
Aralia Family
Origin: Polynesia
Now THIS is a lily!!
It really stands out against the darker green foliage of the
Fiddle Leaf Fig and Boston Fern
White Giant Spider Lily (Crinum asiaticum)
Amaryllis Family
Origin: South Africa
Here's a nice, tranquil spot to stop and pause by.....
The mist spraying from the waterfall feels refreshing
in this warm, humid environment!
(at this point I am sweating profusely
and keep steaming up the camera lens)
Again, there goes my attention span as I see this fantastic beauty out of the corner of my eye.....
Giant Dioon (Dioon Spinulosum)
Cycad Family - Origin: Mexico
It is the largest of the American cycads and is known to grow
up to 50 feet high in nature.
Talk about a filler plant!!!
Next Stop.....The Gardeners Show House
Here's a little preview...
Stay tuned for the final portion of the tour.....
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About Me
- Judy
- Zone 5, Illinois, United States
- I love digging in the garden and getting my hands dirty!