Friday, March 19, 2010

What Color is Your Garden?

As I entered the Gardener’s "Show House"
at the Des Moines Botanical Center,
a question posted on the wall caught my eye.....


Colors in our gardens supposedly "say" something about us....
Do you tend to favor
ORANGE in your garden....?

 Morning Glory BLUE???

Perhaps you are fond of YELLOW,
as in this asiatic lilly.............

or, how about GREEN
as in this
 'Lime Frill' Coleus?


I'm especially fond of PINK flowers.....
as in these impatiens

the crisp, coolness of WHITE.....

or the eye-catching color of RED?

and finally, the soothing color of PURPLE

Do tell....what color is YOUR garden?


Lona said...

OMG! I have to get rid of my red flowers LOL! That was a fun posting Judy.

Becca's Dirt said...

Fun with colors. I am a purple and yellow person. I have more yellow but purple is my passion.

BernieH said...

Great blog ... this was a fun read! As for my garden colour ... I'm afraid it's a bit of a rainbow. I've got lots and lots of green, white, purple and pink!! That makes me someone who's social, loves food, "young" (like that!), an innocent romantic, a noble thinker, generous to a fault and rather reckless with money when it comes to all things purple!! Hummmm ... sounds familiar!

Muhammad khabbab said...

Very interesting post. i would put mine in white. i love the way you have correlated colorful blooms with personalities. happy blogging.

BernieH said...

Thanks for dropping by my blog, Judy. Gladly the cyclone just missed us, but unfortunately, not my Dad ... still there wasn't much damage in the end. I've updated with another post on the cyclone.

Thanks also for the book recommendation ... it sounds like something I'd be interested in reading, so I'll have to do a search for it.

Susan's Snippets said...


You never told us what color your garden is? Or did I miss that somewhere??

i care i care

Anonymous said...

Mostly green and brown right now :)

But we do have splashes of yellow from the copper canyon daisies, indigo from the indigo spires salvia, purple from the moss verbena, white and red from the salvia greggii, purple and lavender from the spanish lavender, orange/yellow/red on the texas lantana, and light purple on the creeping lantana. it also looks like the wildflowers are getting ready to open, and the sage and thyme plants are almost ready to flower, too!

About Me

My photo
Zone 5, Illinois, United States
I love digging in the garden and getting my hands dirty!