Tuesday, June 8, 2010

She's back!

I certainly have missed blogging!  All I can say is that sometimes life gets in the way, and some things need to be put on the back burner for a while.  Also, in all honesty, living on a one-acre property and loving gardening as much as I do, it becomes a full-time job tending to my gardens this time of year.  Having a creative mind doesn't help either, as I'm always thinking of new things to incorporate into my gardens.  I've been told that I should focus on one project at a time, but I find that nearly impossible as I am an expert in multi-tasking!!  I've also been told that I should check if there are any support groups out there for Obsessive Gardeners Anonymous :) 

Anyhoo....as I get back into the swing of blogging, I'd like to share some recent photos of my garden blooms (most were taken in mid May).  Until next time.......Happy Gardening!!!

Clematis hybrid 'H F Young'

Tickseed (Coreopsis Grandiflora)
with 'Bonfire' Cushion Spurge in foreground

Heuchera and blue fescue grass in foreground

Cornflowers and Coral Bells
(at least I think they are cornflowers -
they mysteriously appeared in my garden
a few years back and are a welcome addition to my garden)

One of my very favorite shrubs, Birch Leaf Spirea

Hosta garden .....

Mollie, my loyal helper
(and expert crusher of newly planted hostas and impatiens)!

and finally, my latest pride and joy.....
...my new potting bench at work!


Becca's Dirt said...

Love that bench. Clematis H.F.Young is stunning. I planted this same clematis at the end of Jan this year and it hasn't done a thing. I am so dissappointed. You have some beauties growing there.

Judy said...

Hi Becca! It's sooooo nice to finally get back in the blogging circuit. How has gardening been going for you?

Beth said...

Hi Judy, Love your new potting bench! Love the garden too! The blue flowers are centaura - I think Centaura Montana - perennial Bachelor's button. You have a good healthy stand of them! Your clematis is pretty. I have one I think is the same variety. I didn't used to be good about labeling my plants but now I recognize the importance; ie., if you "garden blog" you need those names! lol

Judy said...

Hi Beth!! Thanks for identifying the centaura! I save all my plant tags/labels and put them in little baggies marked with which garden they are in.....then, when I post or someone asks, I find myself scrambling to search the name! My next goal is to use actual garden markers to label each plant.........hmmmmm, we'll see when that happens :)

Debbie's Garden said...

Your garden looks fabulous Judy! It's about time you get back to blogging! (me, the pot calling the kettle black)
We are still getting so much rain here its hard to get out much to do anything but cut grass when you can.

Judy said...

Hey Debbie! It DOES feel good getting back in the blog mode :)
We've had our share of rain too! I feel like I'm behind in the yard...wet mulch waiting to be spread, pots to finish planting, etc. Thanks for your visit!

garden girl said...

Welcome back Judy! Yep - the blues are Centaurea montana. There are lots of common names for them, but whatever people like to call them, I think they're wonderful. That blue really pops, and most of the time, the rabbits don't eat them.

Your garden is lovely.

meemsnyc said...

Love the potting bench! My husband is making one for me. Hopefully soon!

Digital Flower Pictures said...

The Clematis is my favorite. Molly looks cool too. Someday I want a dog that doesn't like to garden with me or has a more delicate touch.

About Me

My photo
Zone 5, Illinois, United States
I love digging in the garden and getting my hands dirty!