Friday, February 19, 2010

I look forward to it every year.....

No, I'm not referring to my birthday, but the blooming of this magnificent Magnolia (Magnolia x soulangiana) tree in our backyard.  Each year I anxiously wait for this grand tree to begin blooming, as it is a sure sign of spring.  I also pray that we don't have a late frost which will usually put an end to the spectacular show.

I'm guessing on the type of magnolia, as this tree is over 40 years old and was planted many years before we purchased this property.  I hope she continues to bloom another 40!


Susan's Snippets said...

Hey Jude -

Here's to hoping she blooms sooner than later!!

becoming a winter hater

Kate/High Altitude Gardening said...

Hi, Judy!
Wouldn't it be great if we all looked that gorgeous at 40? :-)

I popped over to visit your blog and thank you for the kind comments you left on mine. I've added you to my blog roll so... you can run but you can no longer hide!

Re: Master Gardening classes - I would highly recommend it. In addition to tons of useful information it connects you with all sorts of wonderful people. Two very dear local friends of mine are MGs - I never would have met them if not for the MG meetings and community projects.

Looking forward to following your gardening adventures!

Jan said...

Hi Judy, thanks so much for your visit on bloom day;-) Your tree is a beauty! I will keep my fingers crossed you don't have a late freeze and her blooms will last a long time this spring. I'm assuming she isn't ready just I 'think' you still have snow, as do we, here in VA. But I am so looking forward to spring this year...enough with the snow!

Catherine@AGardenerinProgress said...

What a gorgeous tree! We have a tiny one just planted last year, I hope one day it looks that good. Hoping you don't have any late freezes to ruin the show for you.

Judy said...

Hey Susan - prepare yourself...the forecast is calling for up to 12 inches of snow by Sunday eve.....yuk :(

Kate - thanks so much for visiting my blog! I, too, look forward to sharing gardening adventures :)

Hi Jan - we do still have snow here in Illinois and unfortunately the forecast is calling for more snow this weekend. The magnolia pic helps me think spring thoughts :)

Hi Catherine~! thank you for visiting my blog and your kind comments!

Debbie's Garden said...

I had one of these at my old house. Such slow growers! Its always so sad that morning you come out and the blooms are all on the ground.

Corner Gardener Sue said...

Wow, look at all those blooms! I clicked to enlarge the photo to see the details. Lovely!

About Me

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Zone 5, Illinois, United States
I love digging in the garden and getting my hands dirty!